The last excavator

The last excavator

Siteworks and construction for Stage 6 are now complete. A single big yellow digger is all that remains on site after a year of work by Mike Downs Construction and his skilled team. A new boundary fence to the farmland is now completed and soon the sheep and cattle will return to all the neighbouring paddocks.

Redmund Spur Hill view

Bike and walking track link to Halswell Quarry park

Construction has begun on the first of two link tracks between Redmund Spur and the Halswell Quarry Park. Designed and build by trackmeister Milty from Graded Earth these links open up new recreational possibilities for mountain bikers and walkers. The remainder of the work will be completed this autumn when weather and soil conditions improve.

Redmund Spur Stage 6 Aerial 7

Stage 6

Redmund Spur Stage 6 has 21 brand new sections that are now available. Situated on Kitcheners Knoll Road these exciting new sites from 700 sq m to 1860 sq m are worth a look.

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This is the location of the 17 new Sections

You can see from this image how impressive the setting is for the 17 sections under construction. If you are looking for a quiet semi rural location, one of these well sized sections could be yours.

Philp Bidwell

Meet Philip Bidwell-Architectural Designer on site Sunday 10th Nov

Don’t miss an opportunity to meet Philip Bidwell, Homes by Maxim Architect, on site between 1.00 – 3.00 pm on Sunday. Dan and his team will also be on-site to answer any questions or discuss the options to purchase a section. Kitcheners-Knoll Road, we look forward to seeing you there.